I boarded his bus from Accra to Cape Coast.
Of all drivers, he is the kind I love the most.
After taking his fares, he said he had a prayer to say,
So, eighteen of us bowed our heads, for him to pray:

“I pray, heavenly Father, for myself, and for each passenger,
As we embark on such long journey.
Help me do nothing that would our precious lives endanger;
Let me esteem our lives than money.
I am human, therefore come and control the steering wheel
And save us from any danger ahead.
Come, Father, and drive us carefully home when I tired feel
That none ends up in a hospital bed.”

Thus his prayer he ended for ten women and eight men.
So, the rest and I altogether happily responded, “Amen!”


Red bus

Published by ISAAC ESSOUN

A Ghanaian writer who has transformed many lives with countless poems and other novels. Having read and specialised in English Language at the University of Cape Coast in Ghana, he has an awesome grip on the use of the language to create beautiful works of Art for his audience. He is still transforming millions of lives with his talent.

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